Compiling Pascal with LLVM: Part 2
Now to the fun part. We'll be using a recursive parser, just like in Crafting interpreters, so you can easily skip this part if you're familiar with the technique. I made a slight modification to the parsing of binary operators though.
I wrote the parser for Pascal's grammar from memory (a very long-term memory), and apparently ended up with a less restrictive grammar. I might fix that in the future though.
We'll start with a simple class with several helper methods:
from tokenize import TokenInfo
from more_itertools import peekable
from ..tokenizer import TokenType
# just for convenience
class ParseError(Exception):
class Parser:
def __init__(self, tokens):
self.tokens = peekable(tokens)
def consume(self, *types: TokenType, string: str | None = None) -> TokenInfo:
if not self.matches(*types, string=string):
raise ParseError(self.peek(), types, string)
return next(self.tokens)
def consumed(self, *types: TokenType, string: str | None = None) -> bool:
success = self.matches(*types, string=string)
if success:
return success
def peek(self) -> TokenInfo:
if not self.tokens:
raise ParseError
return self.tokens.peek()
def matches(self, *types: TokenType, string: str | None = None) -> bool:
if not self.tokens:
return False
token = self.peek()
if types and token.type not in types:
return False
if string is not None and token.string.lower() != string.lower():
return False
return True
basically all they do is consume the next token while checking some constraints.
Next, we'll build a collection of nodes, which the parser will have to generate.
Expressions are the parts of code that produce a value. For example, these
1 + 1
f(1, 2, 3)
1 + f(2) + x.count * array[0]
are expressions, but this isn't
if x = 1 then
Technically, not all calls produce values, because Pascal makes a distinction between functions and procedures, but here we'll treat procedures as functions that return void, and let the type system worry about them.
The simplest expression is a literal like 1
or 'abc'
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any
# we want each node to be unique, so that two nodes with same fields still won't be equal
unique = dataclass(eq=False)
class Const:
value: Any
type: str
next we'll add a _primary
method to the Parser
. Which will return this node:
# TokenType was defined in the previous post
from .tokenizer import TokenType
class Parser:
# ...
# expression is just a convenience method for now
def _expression(self):
return self._primary()
def _primary(self):
match self.peek().type:
case TokenType.NUMBER:
body = self.consume().string
if '.' not in body:
return Const(int(body), 'integer')
return Const(float(body), 'real')
case TokenType.STRING:
value = self.consume().string
if not value.startswith("'"):
raise ParseError('Strings must start and end with apostrophes')
value = eval(value).encode() + b'\00'
return Const(value, 'string')
case _:
raise ParseError(self.peek())
Here we use null-terminated strings, which is not very Pascal'ish. However, this will simplify things for us when we'll be working with C functions.
and now you can spin up the whole thing:
text = '1'
parser = Parser(tokenize(text))
this should give you something like Const(value=1, type='integer')
, and if you try and call it with
text = 'x + y'
it would raise a ParseError
. So far so good!
While we're at it, let's add another simple node - name access. We'll emit it each time someone references a variable or function by its name:
class Name:
name: str
this will be another case in the _primary
case TokenType.NAME:
return Name(self.consume().string)
Next we'll parse something more interesting:
f(1, 2, x, y)
So, function calls, field access, array indexing and pointers dereferencing. As usual let's add some nodes first:
class GetItem:
target: Any
args: tuple[Any]
class GetField:
target: Any
name: str
class Dereference:
target: Any
class Call:
target: Any
args: tuple[Any]
and a new method _tail
. Let's start with pointers:
class Parser:
# ...
def _expression(self):
return self._tail()
def _tail(self):
target = self._primary()
while self.matches(TokenType.LSQB, TokenType.DOT, TokenType.CIRCUMFLEX, TokenType.LPAR):
match self.consume().type:
case TokenType.CIRCUMFLEX:
target = Dereference(target)
# ... other cases here
return target
So, what's going on here?
- First we parse the target - a constant or a variable name. This is exactly what
returns - Next, we check whether it has a tail - a dereferencing operator, a field access etc
- Finally, we wrap the target in a new node
Also, because we use a while loop here, we'll be able to parse stuff like
f(1, 2)[3].names[0]^
Now let's add this logic. Field access is also as simple as
case TokenType.DOT:
name = self.consume(TokenType.NAME).string
target = GetField(target, name)
Here we already consumed the dot in the match self.consume...
part, so we consume the second token, which must be
a name, and finally we wrap the target in the GetField
Finally, two more interesting tails:
# array indexing
case TokenType.LSQB:
args = [self._expression()]
while self.consumed(TokenType.COMMA):
target = GetItem(target, tuple(args))
# function call
case TokenType.LPAR:
args = []
while not self.matches(TokenType.RPAR):
if args:
target = Call(target, tuple(args))
In both cases we parse a sequence of arguments separated by commas, and consume the matching bracket at the end.
Unary operators
In case of tails we were able to use a while
loop, because we first needed to parse the target, and then an
indefinite number of tails. In case of unary operators, though, the target comes at the very end, which means that we
first need to consume all the unary operators, push them into a stack, then consume the target, and wrap it while
unwinding the stack. This sounds like recursion to me:
def _unary(self):
if self.peek().string.lower() in ('@', 'not', '-', '+'):
return Unary(self.consume().string.lower(), self._unary())
return self._tail()
and let's not forget the node:
class Unary:
op: str
value: Any
Binary operators
Binary operators are particularly interesting, because with them the notion of priority
or precedence
arises very
naturally. If you're not a lisper, then probably you
wouldn't like writing
1 + 2 * 3 - 4 / 5 + 6
(((1 + (2 * 3)) - (4 / 5)) + 6)
this is where operators precedence kicks in.
By the way, you should definitely check out SICP, it's a timeless classic!
We'll parse that in the following way. First, let's group the operators by precedence:
'*': 1,
'/': 1,
'div': 1,
'mod': 1,
'and': 1,
'+': 2,
'-': 2,
'or': 2,
'>': 3,
'>=': 3,
'<=': 3,
'<': 3,
'=': 4,
'<>': 4,
'in': 4,
next we start from the operations with the lowest precedence (max priority), and try to build its arguments from terms of higher precedence:
def _binary(self, priority):
if priority <= 0:
return self._unary()
left = self._binary(priority - 1)
while self.peek().string in PRIORITIES:
op = self.peek().string
current = PRIORITIES.get(op)
# only consume the operation with the same priority
if current != priority:
right = self._binary(current - 1)
left = Binary(op, left, right)
return left
Basically here we're saying, that
1 * 2 + 3 * 4
is, first of all, a +
with its arguments 1 * 2
and 3 * 4
. This is why both left
and right
are assigned
to operators with priority - 1
. At the end we just fallback to _unary
when we run out of operators.
Finally, as always, the node:
class Binary:
op: str
left: Any
right: Any
and also let's update the _expression
def _expression(self):
return self._binary(MAX_PRIORITY)
Yes, we just got rid of parentheses with the help of precedence. Now let's add them back in!
Parentheses have a very high priority, higher than any binary or unary operation or even a function call. So, _primary
is the best place for them:
def _primary(self):
match self.peek().type:
case TokenType.LPAR:
value = self._expression()
return value
# ... previous code
We don't need a separate node for this branch, because the information about precedence kind of emerges in the syntax tree by itself. However, sometimes it's a good idea to keep this information more explicit, e.g. when you're using your parser to write a code formatter.
This took a while, but we're finally done with parsing expressions. Now you can play with the parser and generate really complex structures. Note how parentheses influence (sometimes) the structure of the syntax tree.
Until now, we wrote the parser starting with the deepest nodes. This is useful when you want to be able to spin up the parser as you progress, and watch how it gets smarter. We'll do the same thing with statements, but in reverse.
We'll start with simple programs that don't contain variables or functions:
class Program:
body: tuple[Any]
Don't worry, we'll update this node later.
def _program(self):
# program name
self.consume(TokenType.NAME, string='program')
if self.consumed(TokenType.LPAR):
# the body, including the `end`
statements = self._body()
# final dot
# no more tokens should remain
if self.tokens:
raise ParseError(self.tokens.peek())
return Program(statements)
The only interesting part is the name parsing. It turns out, that Pascal allows the programmer to specify the names of input and output files used, something like
program myName(output_file);
I didn't know that until I started googling for larger samples of Pascal code just to test my parser.
The body
The body is just a sequence of statements between begin
and end
from jboc import composed
# ...
def _body(self):
self.consume(TokenType.NAME, string='begin')
while not self.matches(TokenType.NAME, string='end'):
if self.matches(TokenType.NAME, string='begin'):
yield from self._body()
yield self._statement()
# the semicolon is optional in the last statement
if not self.matches(TokenType.NAME, string='end'):
self.consume(TokenType.NAME, string='end')
Note that there's a special case we're dealing with: begin
blocks can be nested. However, unlike most of
modern languages, Pascal doesn't allow variables definition inside blocks, so this nesting doesn't have any semantic
implications, that's why we're just unpacking it.
Here @composed(tuple)
simply gathers all we've yeild
-ed from the function into a tuple. This is handy in many
The statement
For now, the only statement we know of is an expression statement, like a function call, or a useless arithmetic operation that isn't stored anywhere:
def _statement(self):
value = self._expression()
value = ExpressionStatement(value)
return value
with a simple node
class ExpressionStatement:
value: Any
Aaaaand we're finally ready to parse entire (but simple) programs like this one:
program itWorks;
1 + 2;
writeln(3, 4, 5);
writeln(6 + 7, 8 * 9)
Pretty cool! The rest is just about adding more content. Let's dig quickly through the basics.
Because begin
is only required for multiple expressions, we'll be using this util function a lot:
def _flexible_body(self):
if self.matches(TokenType.NAME, string='begin'):
return self._body()
return self._statement(),
Now let's parse some statements:
def _if(self):
self.consume(TokenType.NAME, string='if')
condition = self._expression()
self.consume(TokenType.NAME, string='then')
left = self._flexible_body()
if self.consumed(TokenType.NAME, string='else'):
right = self._flexible_body()
right = ()
return If(condition, left, right)
Yep, basic if-then-else stuff.
class If:
condition: Any
then_: tuple[Any]
else_: tuple[Any]
For and while
This is more or less the same
def _for(self):
self.consume(TokenType.NAME, string='for')
name = Name(self.consume(TokenType.NAME).string)
start = self._expression()
self.consume(TokenType.NAME, string='to')
stop = self._expression()
self.consume(TokenType.NAME, string='do')
body = self._flexible_body()
return For(name, start, stop, body)
def _while(self):
self.consume(TokenType.NAME, string='while')
condition = self._expression()
self.consume(TokenType.NAME, string='do')
body = self._flexible_body()
return While(condition, body)
and the nodes
class For:
name: Name
start: Any
stop: Any
body: tuple[Any]
class While:
condition: Any
body: tuple[Any]
With new structures in place, it's time to update the _statement
. We'll also add assignment syntax while we're at it:
def _statement(self):
if self.matches(TokenType.NAME, string='if'):
return self._if()
if self.matches(TokenType.NAME, string='for'):
return self._for()
if self.matches(TokenType.NAME, string='while'):
return self._while()
value = self._expression()
if isinstance(value, (Name, GetItem, GetField, Dereference)) and self.consumed(TokenType.COLONEQUAL):
value = Assignment(value, self._expression())
value = ExpressionStatement(value)
return value
Here what's going on. The last part is all about the difference between
student.grade := 10;
Yes, that's how we assign stuff to variables in Pascal - with the notorious walrus operator
We can't make a difference beforehand, because the expression can have a super long tail:
students[0].math.grades[1] := 10;
So we'll just start parsing it like a simple expression, then check the next token. If it's :=
- we've got an
assignment, otherwise - it's a simple expression statement.
And, of course, assignment deserves its own node:
class Assignment:
target: Name | GetItem | GetField | Dereference
value: Any
Here we only allow assignment for certain expressions, because, say, 1 + 1 := 3
doesn't make a lot of sense
Variable definition in Pascal can only happen in a special block before the body, to complicate things, we are allowed to use several such blocks:
var x1, x2: integer;
y: real;
var z: string;
so we'll have to do more checks than usual:
def _variables(self):
while self.consumed(TokenType.NAME, string='var'):
while self.peek().string.lower() not in ('var', 'function', 'procedure', 'begin'):
yield self._definition()
Here a definition is a set of names that share a type:
class Definitions:
names: tuple[Name]
type: str
and we parse it like so
def _definition(self):
names = [Name(self.consume(TokenType.NAME).string)]
while self.consumed(TokenType.COMMA):
kind = self._type()
return Definitions(tuple(names), kind)
for now is just
def _type(self):
if self.peek().string.lower() not in ('real', 'integer', 'string'):
raise ParseError(self.peek())
return self.consume().string.lower()
We'll seriously upgrade it in the next post, though.
Note that I wrote kind = self._type()
instead of type = self._type()
. This is because type
is a builtin name
in Python. And builtins shadowing, in most situations, is considered as bad code.
We're almost there, I promise! Functions are pretty similar to the main program itself: they have the same blocks +
arguments and a return type (which can be void
class ArgDefinition:
name: Name
type: str
class Function:
name: Name
args: tuple[ArgDefinition]
variables: tuple[Definitions]
body: tuple[Any]
return_type: str
Why am I using here Name
instead of str
as the function and arg names? That's because, unlike you, I know the
future! In the next post we'll make heavy use of these names wrapped in Name
All we need to parse a function is just
def _function(self):
name, args, ret = self._prototype()
variables = self._variables()
body = self._body()
return Function(name, args, variables, body, ret)
Kinda anticlimactic, right? All the interesting part happens inside the prototype:
def _prototype(self):
is_func = self.consumed(TokenType.NAME, string='function')
if not is_func:
self.consume(TokenType.NAME, string='procedure')
name = Name(self.consume(TokenType.NAME).string)
args = []
if self.consumed(TokenType.LPAR):
while not self.matches(TokenType.RPAR):
mutable = self.consumed(TokenType.NAME, string='var')
group = [Name(self.consume(TokenType.NAME).string)]
while self.consumed(TokenType.COMMA):
kind = self._type()
if mutable:
kind = f'reference({kind})'
args.extend(ArgDefinition(x, kind) for x in group)
self.consumed(TokenType.COMMA, TokenType.SEMI)
if is_func:
ret = self._type()
ret = 'void'
return name, tuple(args), ret
Most of this should be pretty easy by now, except maybe the part with kind = f'reference({kind})'
. What's going on
Pascal allows us to define mutable arguments in functions:
procedure inc(var x: integer);
x := x + 1;
This function doesn't return anything, it just changes its argument inplace. All this thanks to that little var
For now I added this ugly crutch kind = f'reference({kind})'
, in the next post we'll fix it
Final program
With all the parts in place this is what the program will really look like:
class Program:
variables: tuple[Definitions]
functions: tuple[Function]
body: tuple[Any]
and we'll parse it as simply as:
def _program(self):
self.consume(TokenType.NAME, string='program')
if self.consumed(TokenType.LPAR):
variables = self._variables()
functions = []
while self.peek().string.lower() in ('function', 'procedure'):
statements = self._body()
if self.tokens:
raise ParseError(self.tokens.peek())
return Program(variables, tuple(functions), statements)
This wasn't as sparse as the previous post, was it? Now, with all the bits in place, let's get to something even cooler: next time we'll build an entire type system, with compile-time errors and stuff!